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                     8D Analysis PG
         Table of Contents
         How This Course Relates to Other Courses
         Notes Concerning Use of the Term “G8D”
         Responsibilities of STA Engineers in the G8D Process
         Initiation of a Concern
         Responding to a Concern
         Verify that There Is a Problem
         Continuing with the G8D Process
         Completing the G8D Process
         Impacts of a Concern on a Supplie
         A Deficient G8D
         Benefits of the Process
         Contributors to a Well-Written G8D Report
         Quality of Event
         Referencing Quality Tools
         Identifying the Root Cause and Corrective Actions
         Other Criteria
         Analysis of a Well-Written G8D Report
         Analyzing a G8D Report
         D0: Prepare for the Ford G8D Process
         D1: Establish the Team.
         D2: Describe the Problem
         D3: Develop the ICA
         D4: Define and Verify Root Cause and Escape Point
         D5: Choose and Verify PCA for Root Cause and Escape Point
         D6: Implement and Validate PCA
         D7: (Prevent Recurrence)
         D8: Recognize Team and Individual Contributions
         Coaching a Supplier
         Analysis of a Poorly Written G8D Report
         Group Analysis of a G8D Report
         Role-play Exercise
         Review of Answers to Pre-Test and Post-Test
         Additional Resources
         Subject Matter Expert (SME)
         Web Sites
         Additional Training.
                    8D Analysis PG下载链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1pMVmLib 密码:mbcm    

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培训业务联系 金舟军 Email: 923503608@qq.com QQ:923503608 手机:(上海)13816949004